big data engineering


Big data, is the new buzzword in the industry. The hype surrounding “BIG DATA” is unfounded and we are just experiencing a rebranding of of “more of the same” , according to few experts. As the staggering number of the use cases grows, it has become quite clear there is a growing national of deficit people with the managerial and quantitative skills necessary to be able to frame and interpret analyses effectively enough to base decisions on them.

Anyone at the forefront of their industry can see that the global business landscape is changing rapidly and data is at the very center of this transformation. The ability to make use of all available data and turn it into actionable decision-driven ‘insight’ will become the basis for competition and growth amongst all industry players as we strive to enhance our productivity, create more value, reduce waste and ultimately increase the
quality of our products and services as contributors to the quickly evolving global economy.

And yet, as great as all that ‘value creation’ may sound,anyone who has struggled to set up distributed computing clusters on open source platforms like Hadoop and readily turn it into valuable output will tell you, before data can become insight, the systems to  collect, validate, clean, store, and process these increasingly complex data sets must be put in place. This is NOT business as usual.



Our approach is to ensure that you can leverage the powers of Big Data technologies, by extending your current investments in infrastructure, and enable scale up to an optimum Big Data environment. The approach is not to do a complete overhaul, but rather to see how you can maximize what you already have. In doing so, your existing team composition and their technical expertise is taken into consideration.

We bring to the table the best of the partners to select from.

Your business goals form the basis of the exhaustive analysis that we perform. This analysis leads to the selection of the best platform, partner and technology. This leads to the creation of very specific, detailed and complete Big Data roadmap. We will help you navigate this with you.


Leveraging our expertise and talent from the Center of Excellence, we help build quick POCs for your organization. Using a sliver of your sample data, we engage the right partners of your choice to churn out a quick POC for your visualization and consideration of the business outcome.


Big Data products meet most business needs, however, they need to be integrated within your enterprise ecosystem to be fully utilized and get most ROI out of your investments.While being vendor agnostic and yet having access to the partnership with leading vendors, deep expertise in selected vendor technology, under the directives of our customers, we help them integrate various products into their specific environments.